Our Company is able to offer qualified and certified training services, our mission is to provide made-to-measure solutions to optimize the efficiency of HRD – Human Resources Development in order to address department inefficiencies and obtain the maximum performance level possible.
The main areas of training and assistance activities are as follows:
Hexagon 3D modeling and analysis software
Stress analysis and pressure vessels;
Thermal and mechanical design;
Technical Area: CMMS, KPI’s, RCM, maintenance;
Asset management – ISO 55000;
Security management – ISO 45001;
Quality management – ISO 9001;
Environment management – ISO 14001;
Project management and project control.
Technical area
Re-engineering of operations and maintenance processes
Improvement of the reliability and availability of the productive equipment
Optimization of preventive and predictive maintenance policies Optimization of warehouse and spare parts and logistics process
Implementation of ISO 50001 energy management systems
Energy audits (check-up, flash audit)
Integrated Management System
Quality Management (ISO 9001)
Safety Management (ISO 45001)
Environment Management (ISO 14001)
Asset Management (ISO 55001)
Energy Management (ISO 50001)
Maintenance Audit compliant with ISO 55001, UNI EN 15341, UNI EN 15628.
Asset management and asset integrity
Execution of due diligences
ABC multi-criteria classification of industrial equipment in relation to risk / productivity analysis
Processing of the technical data of a plant, including documentation and spare parts
Application of Reliability Center Maintenance (RCM), in accordance with the main technical regulations of reference
Application of Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and assessment of Fitness for Service (FFS), in accordance with API regulations, with verification of the integrity of the main process equipment
Application of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for the identification and removal of the original causes of a fault, based mainly on 5 Why, Ishikawa and Pareto Diagram